Hotel Atena, ul. Przemysłowa 67 39-300 Mielec


The opening of the facility is associated with the introduction of many standards and guidelines established by the Ministry of Development in consultation with the GIS.

The aim of the implemented procedures is to increase the safety and health protection for employees (service) and hotel guests. Minimizing the risk of infection of Guests and other external people, including suppliers. Limiting the number of contacts on the premises of the hotel in a given period of time to protect against the risk of infection. Comprehensive action adapted to the stage of the epidemic stage.

Ensuring security at Hotel Atena ****

  • We placed in a visible place in front of the hotel entrance and at the reception desk information about the maximum number of customers who can stay in a given part of the facility at the same time. We have placed a protective / anti-virus glass in the Hotel Reception.
  • We have placed hand disinfectant dispensers available for guests on the premises of the hotel, in particular at the entrances to the premises, in the reception area, at the elevator entrance, catering outlets and at the exit of toilets.
  • We will provide the possibility of purchasing protective masks at the reception.
  • We posted instructions on washing hands, on taking off and putting on gloves, on removing and putting on a mask, and in the case of dispensers with disinfectant – instructions on how to properly disinfect hands.
  • We provide equipment and resources and monitor the daily cleaning work, with particular emphasis on disinfecting touch surfaces – handrails, door handles, light switches, handles, chair rails and flat surfaces, including table tops in work rooms and eating rooms, we will keep the required distance space between staff and guests (minimum 2 meters).
  • We limit the time of guests staying at the reception to a minimum (the preferred form of payment is card).
  • We have established and controlled the maximum number of guests per hotel – based on the number of available rooms.
  • It is possible to use the conference rooms according to the rules described in the current legal regulations (keeping the social distance of at least 2 m between the person and the person.
  • It is strictly forbidden to stay at the Hotel by people who are not accommodated.
  • Disinfect on an ongoing basis, at least every hour, general toilets, elevator, reception desk (for each guest), door handles, handrails, handles, telephones, computer keyboards, devices in social rooms and other frequently touched surfaces.
  • We will precisely dose professional cleaning agents in each room.
  • Routine room cleaning / so-called stays will only take place upon the special request of the Guest.
  • After each guest we clean the room and disinfect all touch surfaces (including chair backs), equipment (e.g. remote controls) and the bathroom, and after cleaning the room – disinfect the entire room.
  • We will disinfect the room again before the new arrival of the guest.
  • The cleaning staff is equipped with helmets and gloves, long sleeved aprons.
  • Bed linen and towels are washed at a minimum temperature of 60 ºC with detergent. They will be washed and delivered according to the sanitary regime.

  • It is forbidden to use the hotel’s blow-dryers in the bathrooms in the hotel.
  • As far as possible, we will systematically ventilate all hotel rooms.
  • Operation of the restaurant in a sanitary regime (including the ban on organizing buffet meals).
  • Meals are served only, only for hotel guests in the restaurant space, with a minimum distance of 2 m between the people eating the meal and in the form of room service.
  • Hotel equipment made available to guests (e.g. bicycle etc.) will be disinfected after each use.
  • Due to the COVID – 19 threat, the Hotel has the right to suspend or limit services that would increase the risk to Guests and staff (e.g. delivering luggage to rooms, etc.)
  • We have designated and prepared (e.g. equipped with personal protective equipment and disinfectant liquid) a room in which it will be possible to isolate a person temporarily in the event of finding symptoms.
  • We have placed the necessary telephone numbers for the sanitary and epidemiological station, medical services in a specific place (easy access).
  • We will inform all guests and potential clients of the Hotel about the security procedures applied in connection with the COVID-19 virus in the facility.

The Hotel Management will be grateful for your cooperation in complying with these Regulations, which is to ensure peace and security during our guests’ stay.


Hotel & Restauracja Atena, Sala Weselna, Całoroczna Hala Namiotowa
